Instructions to Authors

Trends in Life Sciences

Instructions to Authors

Trends in Life Sciences is an International peer reviewed, referred journal publishes selected original research papers, articles, reviews and short communications in all branches of Botany, Zoology,  Fish and Fisheries, Bio-techniques, Environmental Science, (including Biodiversity) Developmental Biology, Agricultural Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Anthropology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology, Endocrinology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and related fields. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original, and not submitted for publication anywhere else.

Preparation of Manuscripts:

All manuscripts should be typed in Times Roman in double space on one side in English on A-4 size paper, in 12 pt. font size of M.S. Word with 1-inch margin on each side. Research papers should be prepared in duplicate and not exceed 10 typed pages including illustrations and tables. All generic and species names of living organisms should be printed in italic.

Text and figure legends should be uploaded as Word doc file in a single column and figures and photographs to be attached as separate files either as jpg/ppt files (minimum 300 dpi).

Format of Manuscripts:

All manuscripts should be arranged as follows.


The title of the paper should be concise, specific and informative and typed in capital letters. It should contain words useful for indexing and avoid the use of serial titles.

Authors and affiliations:

Name of authors should be in capital letters and the address of the institution where the work was carried out. The authors should provide ORCID Ids. Email of the corresponding author should be mentioned.


An Abstract should be brief with salient points, important observation, conclusion and significance of the work not exceeding 250 words without references.

Key Words:

Maximum six keywords indicating the contents of the manuscripts.


Text should be divided into Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement, and References. Mathematical symbols, Chemical symbols and Equation should be identified in the text if required. All measurements should be given in SI units.


Introduction should be brief and specific. It should include objective, background and local and global significance of the work.

Material and Methods:

Material and Methods should contain relevant description and experimental techniques.

Results and Discussion:

The results should include tables, graphs, charts and photographs if required and minimum in number. Results should not be repeated in discussion.
Results and Discussion may be combined as per the need of the paper.


Tables should be short and typed on separate sheets with proper heading and numbered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Proper location in the text should be indicated as T-1, 2 etc.

Figures and Photographs:

All diagrams, graphs and photographs should be referred to in the text as figures and number consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2 etc). All the figures should be provided with detailed caption and legends and should be typed on a separate sheet. The original drawing should be made in black ink on good quality paper. Photographs should be clear, well contrasted and glossy prints. All inscriptions on the figures should be large enough to stand sufficient reduction. Photograph number and title of the article should be given on the back of each photographic plate.


It should be put at the end before references and should be selective and meaningful.
Funding details (if any):


At the end of the article references should be arranged in alphabetical order. Citation of references should be given in the text by the name of the surnames followed by the year of publication (such as Kumar and Pandit 2021). If a paper has three or more authors, then it should be referred to by the name of the first author’s surname followed by et al, (like Kumar et al, 2021). Reference should include the names of all the authors, the the title of the journals, the volume of journals in bold, colon and page numbers. References should be selective and minimum in number.

Research Paper:

Johnson HW, Robinson HF and Comstock RE (1955): Estimates of genetic and environmental variability in soybeans. Agron. J. 47: 314-315.


Falconer DS (1969): Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. The Ronald Press Co. New York, USA: 365.


Beg MZ (1985): Cytogenetics of Some Angiosperms. Ph. D. Thesis, AMU, Aligarh.

Proceedings, Conferences and Symposia papers: Mishra R (1972):

A comparative study of net primary productivity of dry deciduous forest and grassland of Varanasi. Symposium on Tropical Ecology with emphasis on organic production. Institute of Tropical Ecology, University of Georgia: 278-293.

Edited Books:

Mandal SS (2007): Tribal Medicines for the Welfare of Mother and Child. In: Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Vol XVI. Edited by AI Khan and A Khanam (Ukash Publication), Hyderabad: 272-278.
A plagiarism Report should be submitted along with manuscript.